DPN 1988 vol. 46 - 2 of 4 Embassy Hotel
March 13, 1988
Phil Bravin announces that he is currently the new chair of the board of trustees. Jane Spilman comes forward with saying that she resigned from the board of trustees, and will allow the deaf people to choose the best president that will help the advancement of deaf people in Gallaudet University. Phil Bravin mentioned that the board of trustees have elected Dr. I. King Jordan to be the new deaf president of Gallaudet University. Many deaf people are celebrating the new deaf president on campus of Gallaudet University. Mary Lou Novitsky wraps up with saying that she is so happy that they announced the new president of Gallaudet University to be Dr. I. King Jordan. Group of deaf women chanting “Deaf can do it!” Jerry Covell and Tim Rarus thanks the world for their help and support. Jerry and Tim says that we all fought for our rights, and have shown proof that deaf people can do it!